Funcionalidades Beta

This page is a translated version of the page Beta Features and the translation is 56% complete.
For a extensão, see: Extension:BetaFeatures.

Funcionalidades Beta é um modo para testar novas funcionalidades na Wikipédia e noutros sites da Wikimédia antes de estas serem lançadas para toda a gente. Vá para as suas preferências para ativar as «Funcionalidades Beta» para si; lembre-se de que a ativação das funcionalidades funciona por site.

Por favor, diga-nos o que pensa sobre este programa nesta página de discussão.


The primary purpose of Beta Features is to allow for Wikimedia designers and engineers (from the Wikimedia Foundation and community alike) to roll out technical improvements in an environment where large numbers of users can test, give feedback, and use these features in real-world settings. The secondary purpose of Beta Features is to provide a path so that helpful, well-designed gadgets and other community code can be integrated into core after vetting, testing, and reviewing by Wikimedia Design and Engineering.

The code to provide features like this is in an extension, BetaFeatures . Beta Features' preferences are available in a Preferences tab, accessible via the personal bar at the top of the page for all logged-in users.


De momento, os utilizadores podem:

  • ativar manualmente as funcionalidades individuais
  • inscrever-se automaticamente em todos as funcionalidades adicionais à medida que forem lançadas posteriormente[issue 1]

To use either function, users should select the appropriate checkbox, then click “Gravar”, which will save their Beta Features preferences (like with other preferences). Every now and then new features are made available to users, as outlined at Beta Features/Roadmap .

Funcionalidades Beta Atuais

Aqui tem as funcionalidades beta atuais que nós estamos a testar com este sistema:

  • ⧼visualeditor-preference-newwikitexteditor-label⧽ (líder: James Forrester) – ⧼visualeditor-preference-newwikitexteditor-description⧽

These features are only available on some wikis:

  • ⧼popups-refpreview-beta-feature-message⧽ (líder: Lena Meintrup) – Show a preview of a reference by hovering over its footnote marker.
  • Tradução de Conteúdo (líder: Amir Aharoni) – Uma ferramenta para traduzir rapidamente as páginas para o seu idioma como o editor lado-a-lado.
  • Flow on user talk (lead: Roan Kattouw) – Enables a new structured discussion system on your user talk page.

These features are beta features on some wikis while enabled for everyone on all others:

  • Ferramentas de discussão (lead: Ed Sanders)Enable certain features of the DiscussionTools extensions that are not yet enabled for everyone (the list varies by wiki).
  • Conflito entre edições com base em parágrafos (líder: Lea Voget) – Mostrar a vista de conflito entre edições usando uma forma mais avançada com base em parágrafos.
  • ⧼visualeditor-preference-core-label⧽ (líder: Roan Kattouw) – ⧼visualeditor-preference-core-description⧽
  • ⧼visualeditor-preference-visualdiffpage-label⧽ (líder: Ed Sanders) – ⧼visualeditor-preference-visualdiffpage-description⧽

We invite Wikimedia product teams and community volunteers who want to test out new features, or significant changes to existing features, to do so through this project.

Current features gallery

Deployed features

Other features

This list may document extensions or features that are obsolete or dormant, or are still in planning. Do not rely on the information here being up-to-date.

Criação da sua própria

Do you want to create your own Beta Feature? Great! James is happy to help guide you.

First, you should check that your code meets the following basic requirements:

  • Not significantly degrade site performance;
  • Not noticeably degrade perceived performance of the site, or the user's system;
  • Not crash the user's browser;
  • Não causa perda nem corrompimento de dados;
  • Possui interoperabilidade básica com outros recursos Beta; e[issue 2]
  • Contribute positively to the user's experience of the site, and be additive in nature. E.g. Beta Features cannot be used to remove site features or functionality without adding features meant to replace what was removed.
  • You should expect to test your new feature on the WMF pre-deploy beta server for at least one week before deploying to production. This testing period is intended to catch any serious bugs before jeopardizing users on production.

If you're happy your code meets these requirements, you should write-up your proposal on the New Features proposal page. As part of creating the Beta Feature, you will be asked for some text copy and an image to represent your feature in the user interface; the Design and Product teams can help you with this.


The appearance of the “Funcionalidades beta” tab in Preferences is purposefully different, to both inspire interest and propose a departure from the standard layout and complexity of the existing user preferences.

Aqui está uma captura de tela da guia de preferências "Funcionalidades beta":

Captura da tela “Funcionalidades beta” de preferências em Vector antigo (2010).
Captura da tela “Funcionalidades beta” de preferências em Vector antigo (2010).

Problemas conhecidos

  1. Note that this currently doesn't enroll users until they visit the Preferences page. (phab:T64815)
  2. This is not to say that interoperability is a blocker. Interoperability issues need to be surfaced, and blocker-ness will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Hiperligações externas