Lijst van afleveringen van On the Buses

Dit is een lijst met alle afleveringen van de Engelse comedyserie On the Buses.


Eerste reeks

  1. The Early Shifts
  2. The New Conductor
  3. Olive Takes A Trip
  4. Bus Driver's Stomach
  5. The New Inspector
  6. The Canteen
  7. The Darts Match

Tweede reeks

  1. Family Flu
  2. The Used Combination
  3. Self Defence
  4. Aunt Maud
  5. Late Again
  6. Bon Voyage

Derde reeks

  1. First Aid
  2. The Cistern
  3. The Inspector's Niece
  4. Brew It Yourself
  5. Busman's Perks
  6. The Snake
  7. Mum's Last Fling
  8. Radio Control
  9. Foggy Night
  10. The New Uniforms
  11. Going Steady
  12. The Squeeze
  13. On The Make

Vierde reeks

  1. Nowhere To Go
  2. The Canteen Girl
  3. Dangerous Driving
  4. The Other Woman
  5. Christmas Duty
  6. The L-Bus
  7. The Kids' Outing
  8. The Anniversary
  9. The Cover Up
  10. Safety First
  11. The Lodger
  12. The Injury
  13. Not Tonight

Vijfde reeks

  1. The Nursery
  2. Stan's Room
  3. The Best Man
  4. The Inspector's Pets
  5. The Epidemic
  6. The Busmen's Ball
  7. Canteen Trouble
  8. The New Nurse
  9. Lost Property
  10. Stan's Uniform
  11. The Strain
  12. The New Telly
  13. Vacancy For Inspector
  14. A Thin Time
  15. Boxing Day Social

Zesde reeks

  1. No Smoke Without Fire
  2. Love Is What You Make It
  3. Private Hire
  4. Stan's Worst Day
  5. Union Trouble
  6. Bye Bye Blakey
  7. The Prize

Zevende reeks

  1. Olive's Divorce
  2. The Perfect Clippie
  3. The Ticket Machine
  4. The Poster
  5. The Football Match
  6. On The Omnibuses
  7. Goodbye Stan
  8. Hot Water
  9. The Visit
  10. What The Stars Foretell
  11. The Allowance
  12. Friends In High Places
  13. Gardening Time