
Marc Bijl (Leerdam, 7 juli 1970) is een Nederlandse kunstenaar die woont en werkt in Berlijn. Zijn werk is gebaseerd op maatschappelijke kwesties en hun gebruik van symbolen en regels. Dit resulteert in interventies in de publieke ruimte, sculpturen of installaties die deze kijk op de wereld onderstrepen of ondermijnen.


Van 1992 tot 1997 studeerde Marc Bijl aan de Koninklijke Academie van Kunst & Design in 's Hertogenbosch. In 1996 studeerde hij voor een jaar aan de Glasgow School of Art.[1] In zijn vroege werk reageerde Bijl op globale thema's en de fascinatie met symbolen van politieke kracht, de globalisering van de economie, geloof en nationalisme. Dit resulteerde in interventies in de publieke ruimte, video's, sculpturen en installaties die reageerden op wereldbeelden. Bijl streeft ernaar oppervlakkigheden aan het licht te brengen en iconen en mythes van de populaire cultuur te ontmaskeren zodat de toeschouwer gedwongen wordt morele en ethische kwesties te bevragen. Een centrale rol speelt hierin het symbool, het logo en het label en hij gebruikt deze dan ook als artistieke middelen. Deze herkenbare symbolen verplaatst hij of bewerkt ze zo dat ze een andere betekenis krijgen. Hij geeft hiermee een kritische analyse van de sociale voorwaarden van de maatschappij.[2] Bijl gebruikt ook visuele elementen uit subculturen zoals punk, gothic en anarchisme.

His early works are representational, cartoon-like and often textual. His recent work is more abstract and minimalistic, exemplifying a shift in approach, by which he pares down different perspectives and methodologies to a new essence. The crux is no longer the 'symbolism' but what that symbolism represents and signifies. In these most recent works Bijl makes clear references to modernist art-historical icons such as Mark Rothko, Mondriaan, De Stijl (Rietveld chair) and more subtle references to Jannis Kounellis and Joseph Beuys. Bijl adapts these classical works to his own corporate style. He seeks a more abstract formal language that is in many respects more ambiguous than his earlier vocabulary.

Bijl undermines systems but at the same time he is depended on these systems. Bijl's work is often rebellious and tends to the illegality. His work is clearly rooted in street culture and possesses elements of graffiti, performance and installation art.[3]


As said earlier the symbols and logos are often the Leitmotiv in Bijls work. In 2000 when the European Football Championship was hosted by the Netherlands and Belgium, Bijl set up a gallery/shop in Rotterdam selling orange color coated bricks endued with the Nike slogan Just do it for the “potentially violent hooligan” to bring the championship into discredit with the help of the official sponsor.

The work La revoluzione siamo noi (2002) shows Bijls fascination with popular culture. The work is a lifelike sculpture of the famous icon Lara Croft. She is covered in tar, holding two pistols and smoking a cigarette. With this black dripping compound she had to give up her vivid youthfulness and sex appeal and turned into a scary mutant-like appearance. On the wall behind her is sprayed La revoluzione siamo noi (We are the revolution), the famous slogan which Joseph Beuys often used in his artworks. Like the Nike Logo, the heroine of the computer game Tomb Raider is a prominent icon in Bijl's work.

Bijl's textual installations take an important place in his oeuvre. In these installations he sprays with graffiti short messages on places in the public space. In 2002 he sprayed RESIST on the entrance to the exhibition space Portikus in Frankfurt am Main. During Documenta 11 in September 2002 het sprayed te words TERROR on each of the six columns of the entrance to the Museum Fridericianum in Kassel. The very next morning all the letters were gone and the audience – still shocked from September 11, 2001 – could visit the exhibition without worrying.[4] In January 2009 he sprayed the words MODERN CRISIS on the same entrance to the Fridericianum. Bijl also posted his name on the hoardings of prominent building sites, mimicking the corporate identity of the hoardings concerned, he was following the strategy of the corporate players who appropriate the realm. He surfed on their strategies and demanded his place within the economic and urban-planning establishment.[5]

In 2002 Bijl made a fake edition of the art magazine Flash Art. With this he reacted on the art system using that systems own rules. In bookshops his artist’s book was hardly distinguishable from an actual edition of Flash Art.{{Citation needed|date=October 2012}}

In recent works Bijl refers to Rietveld's famous zigzag chair, but unlike Rietveld's colored chair Bijl makes the chair unattractive, covering it with a thick layer of tar. He also relates to the geometrical language of shapes of Piet Mondrian. When abstraction was supposed to lead Mondrian to the “nature of all things“, Bijl rather sees the actual social wish for structure and orderliness in it.[6]




  2. Archived copy. Gearchiveerd op 25 mei 2012. Geraadpleegd op 2 december 2011.
  3. Paco Barragàn, Marc Bijl. In case you didn’t feel like showing up, 2009 NAi Publishers, Rotterdam, blurb
  4. Archived copy. Gearchiveerd op 25 mei 2012. Geraadpleegd op 2 december 2011.
  5. Paco Barragàn, Marc Bijl. In case you didn’t feel like showing up, 2009 NAi Publishers, Rotterdam, 6-7
  6. Archived copy. Gearchiveerd op 25 mei 2012. Geraadpleegd op 2 december 2011.

Further reading

  • Paco Barragàn, Marc Bijl. In case you didn’t feel like showing up. Rotterdam: NAI Publishers, 2009. ISBN 978-90-5662-682-2
  • Marc Bijl Afterhours. The Hague: GEM, Museum of Contemporary Art, 2005. ISBN 90-6730-202-3
  • Marc Bijl Flash Art / "Forever" Statement. Berlin: Marc Bijl and Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, 2002. ISBN 3-932754-28-X

External links

{{Authority control}} {{DEFAULTSORT:Bijl, Marc}} [[Category:1970 births]] [[Category:Living people]] [[Category:Graffiti and unauthorised signage]] [[Category:Dutch performance artists]] [[Category:Dutch contemporary artists]] [[Category:Dutch installation artists]] [[Category:People from Leerdam]]