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Elastic therapeutic tape applied to patient's leg
Kinesio Taping for Soleus and Achilles tendon

Kinesiotaping, ook wel Medisch of Atletisch Tapen genoemd, is het toepassen van kinesiotape, een bepaald soort elastische tape. Het is een methode om spieren te omzwachtelen (te tapen). De methode, die oorspronkelijk in Japan in de jaren zeventig is ontwikkeld, wordt tegenwoordig vooral bij problemen met betrekking tot de bewegingsfysiologie toegepast.

Het doel van taping is om de beweging rondom letsel te beperken, zacht weefsel te zwachtelen om zwelling te verminderen, anatomische structuren die bij het letsel betrokken zijn te ondersteunen of het gewricht te beschermen tegen herbeschadiging en het gewond te beschermen [1]

De tape is, anders dan traditionele sporttape, rekbaar. Deze rekbaarheid bedraagt ca. 140% en is daarmee vergelijkbaar met die van de huid. Zo worden de spieren niet vastgezet, maar kunnen vrij bewegen, zonder dat zij meer kunnen uitrekken dan gewenst is. Fysiotherapeuten, verbandmeesters en (sport)masseurs gebruiken deze tape met als doel om pijn te behandelen bij atletische verwondingen en allerlei andere lichamelijke aandoeningen. Onderzoek lijkt aan te tonen dat deze behandeling mogelijkerwijs helpt om de pijn te verzachten bij patiënten met chronische spieraandoeningen, maar niet meer dan andere behandelingen. Er is geen bewijs dat taping de beperkingen, voortkomend vanuit de chronische pijn, kan verminderen.[2]


The product is a type of thin, elastic cotton tape that can stretch up to 140% of its original length.[3] As a result, if the tape is applied stretched greater than its normal length, it will "recoil" after being applied and therefore create a pulling force on the skin. This elastic property allows much greater range of motion compared to traditional white athletic tape and can also be left on for long periods of time before reapplication.[4]

Designed to mimic human skin, with roughly the same thickness and elastic properties, the tape can be stretched 30–40% in the longitudinal direction.[3] It is a latex free material with acrylic adhesive, which is heat activated. The cotton fibers allow for evaporation and quicker drying leading to longer wear time, up to 4 days.[5] How the tape is claimed to affect the body is dependent on its usage throughout the body and how it is applied: the direction of pull, the shape, and the location; all play a role in its hypothetical function.[5]

There are several theoretical benefits claimed for the tape. One of those is correcting the alignment of weak muscles as well as facilitating joint motion as a result of the tape's recoiling qualities. Additionally, the tape is claimed to lift the skin, increasing the space below it, and increasing blood flow and circulation of lymphatic fluids (swelling). This increase in the interstitial space is said to lead to less pressure on the body's nociceptors, which detect pain, and to stimulate mechanoreceptors, to improve overall joint proprioception.[6]


A 2015 meta analysis found that the taping provided more pain relief than no treatment at all, but was not better than other treatment approaches in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain.[2] The same meta analysis did not find any significant changes in disability as a result of taping.[2] A 2012 journal article from the Journal of Hand Therapy suggests that kinesio tape might have some effect on lymph drainage. Based on a double blind study, elastic therapeutic tape may be of some assistance to clinicians in improving pain-free active range of motion immediately after tape application for patients with shoulder pain. Utilization of the tape for decreasing pain intensity or disability for young patients with suspected shoulder tendonitis/impingement is not supported.[3] Based on two different studies, kinesio tape showed quicker drainage than manually and better patient compliance.[7] A 2014 meta analysis looked at methodological quality of studies along with overall population effect and suggested that studies deemed of lower methodological quality are more likely to report beneficial effects of elastic therapeutic taping. It also suggested that applying elastic therapeutic tape, "to facilitate muscular contraction has no or only negligible effects on muscle strength".[8] A 2012 meta analysis found that the efficacy of elastic therapeutic tape in pain relief was trivial given that no studies found clinically important results. The tape "may have a small beneficial role in improving strength, range of motion in certain injured cohorts and force sense error compared with other elastic tapes, but further studies are needed to confirm these findings".[6] The same article concluded: "The same article concluded: "KT had some substantial effects on muscle activity, but it was unclear whether these changes were beneficial or harmful. In conclusion, there was little quality evidence to support the use of KT over other types of elastic taping in the management or prevention of sports injuries"[6]

Some researchers claim that what athletes are experiencing is a placebo effect.[9]


The tape is applied to skin, with the intent to stabilize and support muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints as whole. Applications can also focus on fascia, the superficial lymphatic system, capillary system and nervous system. The type of cut, the amount of stretch, and placement of the tape on the body will vary based on the type of tissues being treated.[10]Sjabloon:Sps

The tape is applied with the affected muscle in a stretched position, taping from the origin of the muscle to the insertion point. Once applied, it is rubbed to activate the pressure-sensitive adhesive.[11]

Application is in three general shapes or techniques. An "I" shape is used for small or linear places, for example an I-shaped piece of tape will be applied to the teres minor or rhomboid minor. A "Y" shape is used for larger muscles, like the deltoid. The "X" shape is used for large and long muscles, such as the biceps femoris.[12]


A surge in popularity resulted after the product was donated to Olympic athletes in the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics and 2012 London Summer Olympics.[13][14] The tapes' prominence and mass introduction to the general public have been attributed to Kerri Walsh who wore the tape on her shoulder, and who along with Misty May-Treanor dominated the 2008 beach volleyball event.[15]

See also


  1. Birrer RB, Poole B. "General principles, specifics for the ankle, taping of sports injuries: Review of a basic skill." J Musculoskel Med. 2004; 21:197–211
  2. a b c (2015). Kinesio taping in musculoskeletal pain and disability that lasts for more than 4 weeks: is it time to peel off the tape and throw it out with the sweat? A systematic review with meta-analysis focused on pain and also methods of tape application. British Journal of Sports Medicine. PMID 25595290. DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2014-094151.
  3. a b c Sjabloon:MEDRS (July 2008). The clinical efficacy of kinesio tape for shoulder pain: a randomized, double-blinded, clinical trial. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 38 (7): 389–95. PMID 18591761. DOI: 10.2519/jospt.2008.2791.
  4. (April 2012). Effect of athletic taping and kinesiotaping on measurements of functional performance in basketball players with chronic inversion ankle sprains. Int J Sports Phys Ther 7 (2): 154–66. PMID 22530190. PMC 3325641.
  5. a b Sjabloon:MEDRS (2010). The use and treatment efficacy of kinaesthetic taping for musculoskeletal conditions: A systematic review. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy.
  6. a b c (2012). Kinesio taping in treatment and prevention of sports injuries: a meta-analysis of the evidence for its effectiveness. Sports Med 42 (2): 153–64. PMID 22124445. DOI: 10.2165/11594960-000000000-00000.
  7. Villeco J P (Apr–Jun 2012). Edema: A Silent but Important Factor. Journal of Hand Therapy 25 (2): 153–161. DOI: 10.1016/j.jht.2011.09.008.
  8. (2014). Effects of Kinesio taping on skeletal muscle strength-A meta-analysis of current evidence. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 1053: 1–7. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsams.2014.06.014. Sjabloon:Medrs
  9. Kinesio taping: experts question benefits. Geraadpleegd op 27 september 2012.
  10. Kase, Kenzo (2013). Clinical therapeutic applications of the kinesio taping method. Kinesio, USA, Albuquerque, NM, 1–300. ISBN 9780989032407.
  11. Kinesio taping method and kinesio tex tape. Medicine Net. Medicine Net. Geraadpleegd op 1 juni 2016.
  12. Sjabloon:MEDRSKahanov, Leamor (July 2007). Kinesio taping: an overview of use with athletes, part II. Athletic Therapy Today (Human Kinetics Journals). DOI: 10.1123/att.12.4.5. {{medrs|date=September 2017
  13. "Olympics-Scientists sceptical as athletes get all taped up", 31 July 2012.
  14. "Taping America’s athletes", ABQ Journal, 25 July 2012.
  15. A Quirky Athletic Tape Gets Its Olympic Moment. NY Times (19 August 2008).

Further reading

{{Commons category|Kinesio taping}}

Categorie:Adhesive tape