
This page is a translated version of the page Communication and the translation is 63% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Install MediaWiki
  • Requirements
  • Muat turun
  • Extract
  • Upload
  • Set up database
  • Install
  • Configure

  • FAQ
  • Common issues
  • Get help and support

  • Local development quickstart

Romut miampai do momomoguno MediaWiki suai om ii monoodo, toi ko' tonudo o abal om susuyan kokomoi do Wikimedia om MediaWiki.

Pokianu kouhupan toi ko' sokodung


Pokianu goduuduo kouhupan kokomoi pomogunaan MediaWiki om panarampasan do MediaWiki:

Uhot nunu nopo poguhatan i kikomoi do mangapalai MediaWiki.

Pokianu kouhupan sabaagi do puru komuniti Wikimedia id poguhatan teknikal kokomoi do Wikimedia wiki dokoyu.

Forum momomoguno MediaWiki. (au rasmi)

Post'o dokoyu id Stackexchange.com miampai tag'on #mediawiki. (au rasmi)

Tinimungan Reddit MediaWiki. (au rasmi)


Ihumo kouhupan do potilombus maya do servis pibarasan. Oulud iti tumanud do abaabayan.

Pilumaag pamasangan do wiki, operasi, skinning om nogi pombangunan kustom. (au rasmi) Ihumo lobi ralom.

Ask Hackathon related questions in Telegram @wmhack group. Ihumo lobi ralom.

Wayaan IRC

Ihumo lobi ralom.

Get help and discuss as an applicant or participant of Wikimedia's Outreach programs . Ihumo lobi ralom.

There are more Telegram chats available.

Katayadan mel

Pos id katayadan mel:

Pokianu do kouhupan miampai momoguno toi ko' manantu do MediaWiki id kointayadan do wawayaan do taranggou mediawiki-l.

Discuss MediaWiki and Wikimedia software development on the medium-traffic list wikitech-l.

Ogumu po ii okito id mailing lists

Report software bugs and feature requests

Report and browse bugs and feature requests for most Wikimedia software in Phabricator .

Contact software maintainers

A list of maintainers of Wikimedia software is available at Developers/Maintainers . You can leave a note on their talk page or send them an email to contact them.

If you cannot find the maintainers of a project you are looking for at Developers/Maintainers , try finding the maintainers on the project page of the software on mediawiki.org, the project owners of the project on Phabricator , or the contributors to the project on Gerrit .

Pinsingilo, ilo'o om tonudo

Ilo'o kokomoi do abal om i nosimbanan.

Katayadan mel

Pamalanggan do katayadan mel:

mediawiki-announce is a low-traffic list for announcements of new MediaWiki releases and security updates (all messages also go to mediawiki-l).

wikitech-ambassadors announces the most important technical changes happening on Wikimedia websites. This list is aimed at end users of Wikimedia wikis, not MediaWiki software in general. You can also follow these announcements on Wikimedia wikis via Tech News.

Ampayat id tinimungan ii mogiilang do korohian

MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group

The MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group aims to advocate the needs of MediaWiki users.

MediaWiki Farmers user group

The MediaWiki Farmers user group is a group of developers who work on wiki farms.

Wikimedia user groups

User Groups are open groups organized by themes and areas of interest.

Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups are smaller organized groups focused on shared technical concerns.

Media Sosial

Tonudo o akaun dahai:

Abal mantad puru komuniti do MediaWiki (kopoilaan).

@MediaWiki id $1

Abal mantad do projek MediaWiki.

MediaWiki id $1

Abal mantad do projek MediaWiki.

Abal mantad do guraan teknikal Wikimedia.

Video om strim abaabayan kokomoi do MediaWiki om teknologi Wikimedia.


Basao susuyan:

The Wikimedia Tech Blog shares stories from Wikimedia's technical community across and beyond Wikimedia technology.

Read technical blogs hosted on Wikimedia Phabricator .

The English Wikimedia planet blog aggregator contains technical posts mixed with posts about non-technical aspects of Wikimedia projects.

= Ruputan tumanud timpu

Subscribe to Wikimedia newsletters which cover certain areas of technical interest. Manu kou kanto do mintong po gulu do arkib diolo montok mogintong poingkuro aktif o ruputan tumanud timpu.

Poilango toilaan dokoyu

Wikimedia Tech Blog

Publish your technical story on the Wikimedia Tech Blog.

Wikimedia Technical Talks

Give a Technical Talk video presentation. (maamaso do poundorong)